Zionist foot soldiers in my comments

Robert J Fitz
4 min readApr 23, 2024


They appear underneath images of dead children. Palestinian children who have been brutally murdered, execution style, with their hands tied behind their back and dumped in mass graves at Al Nasser hospital. They appear underneath videos of crying mothers cradling the lifeless bodies of their infant children. Blown apart by IOF bombs which were deliberately targeted against the family homes of suspected militants because they’re easier to kill when they’re at home, taking care of their families.

These deranged and viciously racist colonial apologists are the clean up crew of the genocide machine. They move in after the IOF murderers have finished their massacres for that day. It’s then the clean up crews job to fight the PR battle. To muddy the waters of human outrage that naturally comes when we see children being mercilessly murdered in the tens of thousands.

The goal of the clean up crew is not to get you to believe their lies. They don’t need the average Westerner to believe their genocidal side of events. They just need those westerners to stay away. Their war aim is to convince the average tax-paying western liberal to keep their moral compasses in their pockets, sedating them with the conversation-killing idioms like “the situation is complex” and has been going on for “thousands of years”.

The goal of the clean up crew is to create enough noise and false outrage so that the average westerner is convinced that it’s a hopeless situation that can’t possibly be solved any time soon. They are the foot-soldiers of Zionist Hasbara brigades. Tasked with obscuring the very simple and plain fact that the Zionist entity is not a homeland of a persecuted people but just another western colonial genocidal project that is out to steal the land of the Natives.

That is the plain and recent reality of Palestine and ultimately, that reality is the Zionists true enemy. That is why they send their clean up crews to do battle in the comments underneath every article or video or post that dares to shed light on the simple facts of this genocide.

That is the mark of the foot soldier of the settler colonialist, that is how you can tell them apart from normal human beings, they make war against objective reality and simple facts.

In this battle against reality the Zionist’s clean up crews’ go-to strategy is to always cry victim, no matter how blatant and egregious their crimes are. See the ravaged health system of Gaza, bombed out hospitals and murdered health workers, or the supposed Hammas-ridden aid agencies that they systematically attack with zero evidence of their claims. Only the truly insane Zionist foot soldiers can dare attack hospitals with no justification and still claim to be innocent victims “defending themselves”. All the while destroying the sole source of food, water, medicine and hope that Palestinians have left.

But step back from these battle lines drawn by the Hasbara maniacs for a moment. See this genocidal war in the clarifying waters of a history and you will see that this war against objective reality is a psychological weapon that’s been used by every settler colonial state.

The Dutch and English used it in South Africa, the French in Algeria, the Brits in the sub continent, and now the Israelis in Palestine. Each time the goal is to subvert what can be plainly deduced by our own eyes so as to legitimise the theft of land and the murder of those who have an inalienable right to it.

Because our natural tendency is to care for other humans, the racists settlers’ ultimate battle is against human nature itself. They must warp and shift who and what is considered human to get away with theft and murder on this scale. In this instance, dehumanising the natives of The Holy on such a grand and visible scale that they are de-facto attempting to tear down and warp the very fabric of what makes us humans in the West.

But within this psychotically-racist state, the settlers lay the seeds of their own destruction. As this mass dehumanisation of The Other inexorably tears apart the humanity of the settlers themselves and pulls their society towards totalitarianism.

This fascistic-sickness taking hold of the Zionist society and all its’ acolytes in the West neatly fits George Orwell’s famous portrait of fascism.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

― George Orwell, 1984

Don’t let these deranged fascists into your mind. It is their final battle ground. Free Palestine.



Robert J Fitz
Robert J Fitz

Written by Robert J Fitz

Spoken word poetry and poetic considerations on public affairs. Maybe the odd story as well.

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